Vegan's Day

101 Things in 2010

Happy New Year!!!

I will admit, I'm a 'New Years Resolutions' kind of gal. I think I've made them every year, and always failed miserably. But in 2009, I came across the '101 Things' idea from the Day Zero Project and started it in May. Even though I started it in the middle of the year, in 7 months, I actually completed quite a lot of the things on there. I failed on a handful, but I still feel good about how much I got done. I think the trick is to make them quantifiable and realistic, and make sure that you actually want to do it. I think posting it up on this blog also helped add some pressure to get my butt moving and make things happen. So anyway, I've decided to do it again, and give myself a full year this time. I welcome all and any suggestions/advice to help me do this! Let's make this year a truly epic one!

{ The pursuit of habitness }
1. Take daily vitamins (22 /30 misses)
2. Floss daily (20 /30 misses)
3. Wear sunblock daily (14 /30 misses)
4. Do dishes before bed (20 /30 misses)
5. Unplug appliances at night (18 /30 misses)
6. Drink tea daily (25 /30 misses)
7. Make my bed daily (15 /30 misses)
8. Scrub my floor at least once a month (12/12)
9. Clean my keyboard every month (12/12)
10. Secret daily goal (0 /1 misses)

{ Adventure }
11. Go to the park (5 /5)
12. Go hiking (3 /3)
13. Go to 10 new places in Seoul (11 /10)
14. Visit the US
15. Travel in Asia
16. Sleep under the stars
17. Go to Museums/art galleries (5 /5)
18. Go to music concerts/shows (3 /3)
19. Attend a sporting event
20. See a theater play
21. Wear a dress
22. Go to the beach
23. Go to a vegan event
24. Get to know 10 new musical artists/bands (10 /10)
25. Sing karaoke
26. Try a new sport/activity
27. Participate in a protest/rally
28. Start a new journal
29. Rearrange my room
30. Have an Epic Night
31. Blow bubbles
32. Climb a tree
33. Dance like no one's watching
34. Watch the sunrise
35. Watch a 3D and IMAX movie
36. Secret adventure (3 /3)

{ Spirit, Mind, Soul }
37. Read the full New Testament (0/27 books)
38. Memorize 10 Bible verses (1 /10)
39. Participate in a church event
40. Don't watch any TV shows for a month
41. Take a class
42. Watch 10 documentaries (10 /10)
43. Watch 10 foreign films (10 /10)
44. Read 10 books (10 /10)
45. List my top 10 favorite bands
46. List my top 10 favorite movies

{ Creative Projects }
47. Complete 10 new paintings (10 /10)
48. Sew/remake three items of clothing (3 /3)
49. Print my own 2011 calendar
50. Add paypal to my art website
51. Participate in the Hongdae Free Market
52. Sell a piece of artwork
53. Do a creative collab with someone
54. Make stationery
55. Have something in a gallery
56. Try a new medium/material
57. Join an art club
58. Have a solo show

{ Health & Body }
59. Do yoga every week (10 /10 misses -fail)
60. Work out at least three times a week (0/10 misses)
61. Go to bed before midnight (30 /30)
62. Run in a race
63. Get a physical checkup
64. Go to dentist
65. Get a facial
66. Get a massage
67. Get a pedicure

{ Vegan Food! }
68. Try 20 new recipes from any of my recipe books (20 /20)
69. Use my juicer once a week (10 /10 misses- fail )
70. Go on a picnic/potluck (5 /5)
71. Try 5 new teas (5 /5)
72. Try 3 new foods (3 /3)
73. Visit new cafes (15 /15)
74. Visit new restaurants (15 /15)
75. Try 3 new global cuisines (3 /3)
76. Grow something edible and eat it

{ Sharing the love / Spreading the word}
77. Try to donate blood
78. Donate to a farm sanctuary
79. Help a homeless person in some way, other than giving money
80. Buy someone flowers
81. Volunteer at an animal shelter
82. Volunteer with an NGO
83. Have a giveaway on my blog
84. Donate $5 to charity for each item on this list that I do not complete
85. Get someone to watch ‘Earthlings’
86. Guerrilla activism (10 /10 acts)

{ Family, Friends }
87. Visit Cheonan at least once a month (12 /12)
88. Talk to unni at least once a week
89. Talk to halmunee at least once a month (12 /12)
90. Join a book club
91. Send out snail mail (15 /15)
92. Host friends for dinner

{ Mother Nature }
93. Always take cloth bags when grocery shopping (6 /10 misses)
94. Donate old stuff
95. Only give 'conscious consumer' gifts (1/5 misses)
96. Don’t buy anything (besides food) for a week
97. Have fresh flowers in my apartment (5 /5)

{ Miscellaneous & Random }
98. Replace cruddy debit cards (1 /2)
99. Get my landlord to fix my intercom
100. Buy something on my wishlist
101. Get my kitchen knife sharpened