I tried a new restaurant at Hongdae last week. I'm not exactly sure what the official name of this place is because there seem to be two names... 'Bob Cafe' or '나물 먹는 곰', which roughly translates to 'A Bear that Eats Greens,' or as they have translated it, 'Greens. Eat. Gom.' Contrary to what their restaurant name might suggest, this isn't a vegetarian restaurant as they serve quite a lot of meat dishes. However, a few of their bibimbab sets are vegetarian, and you can easily make it vegan by asking them not to include any egg.

The restaurant itself is quite nice, with clean interiors and lots of bear imagery and figurines. You have to walk up some stairs from the street to get to the restaurant. If you don't want to sit inside, you can sit outside on the rooftop/garden patio.

I ordered their '나물곰 비빔밥 소반' (7000won) which is their standard veggie bibimbab set (minus the egg). The bibimbab was lovely as it tasted natural and rustic. The side dishes were also awesome, especially the potatoes! All in all, it was a wonderful dinner~ I eat so much bibimbab here in Korea, it's amazing that I'm not sick of it yet. Bibimbab is by far my favorite Korean dish, and it's so easy to make vegan! Some day I will blog about my #1 favorite bibimbab restaurant in Korea. Just you wait and see! It's a beautiful sight to behold.
Anyway, if you're in the Hongdae area and are craving some good veg Korean eats, check this place out.