Even though I'm a huge fan of Thai cuisine, I hardly ever go to Thai restaurants in Korea because they usually don't have many vegan options and the food often isn't even that great. But this past Friday, some high school friends planned a mini reunion at Buddha's Belly in Itaewon. It's a pretty famous spot for Thai food, so I was happy for the opportunity to finally check it out.

Upon telling the waiter that I was vegan, he assured me that they could modify almost anything to fit my dietary needs. :) I was craving some pad thai, so that's what I went with (9,000 won). In order to veganize it, I requested it without any fish sauce or egg, and I also included some tofu for an additional 1,000 won.

It was pretty good~ not the best I've had, but it did its job in satisfying my pad thai craving. The tofu could've had more flavor (it was basically just cubes of fried tofu), but overall, I was happy with the dish.

Swan (one of my friends) ordered their green curry which was totally vegan- no sneaky addings of animal broth! For her choice of protein (you can pick the "meat" you want), she went with tofu so that I could enjoy some of her dish too~ :) Even though the broth was more watery than most thai curries I've had, it was still scrrrumptious. Anything with coconut milk is good in my books. I actually preferred this to their pad thai, so the next time I'm at Buddha's Belly, I'll go with one of the curries.

I can't recall all the veggies in it, but there was tofu, bamboo shoots, green and red peppers, squash (kabocha), zucchini, and a tomato on top.

Here's a view of the swanky interior.