Caught a cold this past weekend! Perhaps I over-exerted myself with both work and play, and in the process also deprived myself of sleep. My throat started feeling all scratchy on Saturday night, and I was having some bodyaches on Sunday and Monday too. Not a great way to end a weekend or start a busy week! But today I feel like I'm finally back to my normal self, thank God.

So on Monday, my sister and I went to 'JukStory,' a Korean rice porridge restaurant for lunch. In the US, people eat chicken soup when they're sick, but here in Korea, we eat rice porridge, aka "juk." 'JukStory' is a franchise with locations all over Korea (similar to 'BonJuk'), and they always seem to be conveniently placed close to hospitals or clinics. This restaurant was actually directly under a hospital, so we saw a lot of patient-like customers come in, as well as a lot of people getting their orders to-go, to take it to their sick loved ones.

It's a good thing I had energy to get out of the house and actually go to the restaurant, because my fridge at home was stark naked inside. I ordered their mushroom rice porridge which was pretty basic. Rice porridge isn't something I normally like to eat, but I think it was good for me to eat something bland and easy on the stomach. Even though my throat was sore and I was feeling rather weak, my appetite was still there and I ate my entire bowl clean (but left the non-vegan banchans untouched). It was filling, comforting, and warmed the soul right up.

I've also been trying to get lots of fresh raw veggies into my system.

Here's a salad of broccoli, carrots, celery, red bell peppers, and sweet corn, mixed with a tofu-mustard dressing, with a handful of Carr's Garlic Crackers on the side.

And it goes without saying, that I've been trying to eat plenty of fresh fruits to load up on vitamins. I could eat kiwi and peaches all day long~
So I'm feeling much better now. I think I've chased my cold away with good food, and my body is now back in business! :) My throat is still a little phlemy, but it's nothing a cuppa warm tea can't handle.

Today has been a productive day. I cranked out a bunch of work for my job and I even got some painting done. Here's a new painting I recently finished, which I'm titling 'Burp Blurb.' It's available for sale, so if anyone's interested, check my website for details!

Detail shot. I really need to figure out a way to get better images of my paintings, with proper lighting and a backdrop...
Oh, and I signed up for the Energizer Night Race on Oct 2! I really wanted to do the 10k, but I registered after all the spots were filled, so I just had to sign up for the 5k. I guess that's fine in the end. I don't know whether the race will be all that competitive since it seems more like a "fun" night race, so I'm not making any lofty PR goals, but it would still be nice to beat my first 5k PR from the Bada Marathon a few months ago. And if I still want to do a 10k, I can always sign up for this Nike 'We Run Seoul' 10k race~ exciting!