I hope everyone stopped by Roofer's at Itaewon yesterday to stock up on vegan goodies at Kia's vegan bake sale! I got there earlier than expected which was good because I was afraid that if I got there too late, she would be all out~ Lucky for me, that wasn't the case.

Kia's beautiful blondies. These seemed to be mighty popular as they were disappearing fast!

A box full of assorted cookies: snickerdoodles, chocolate chip, and choc-chip walnut.
Kia also made Salted Caramel Pecan bars, but had unfortunately accidentally left them behind at her house! When I got there, her bf had gone to pick them up, but I wasn't able to stick around for them to arrive, which is tooooo bad because they sounded amazing! I'm sure I would've loved them.

I picked out a blondie (the fattest slice, hehe), snickerdoodles, and walnut chocolate chip cookies (the ones with the most chocolate chips).
This bake sale took up an entire table and boasted an impressive spread of confections from several other bakers, with the proceeds going towards benefiting Animal Rescue Korea. Only Kia's creations were vegan, so I didn't really concern myself with the non-vegan side, however, I still thought it was really cool that these individuals contributed resources and spent their weekend slaving over hot ovens in order to help animals.

The non-vegan side.

Kia's adorable dog, 'Soju,' who earned his name after being rescued from the evil hands of a drunk ajjushi. Soju is too cute!

After saying bye to Kia and Soju, I headed to a coffeeshop for some Sunday afternoon productivity, where I thoroughly enjoyed my very first blondie ever, with some cawfee- talk about a perfect pairing. The blondie was rich, moist, packed with chocolate chips, and completely yummy. I savored every single bite!

Then for breakfast this morning, I broke up one of the walnut chocolate chip cookies and threw it on top of my banana oatmeal. Who said you can't have sweets for breakfast?

Now this is how all Mondays should start.

And then a few hours later, I could no longer resist the allure of Kia's snickerdoodles, so I had them for my mid-morning snack, along with a cup of mocha.

I haven't had a snickerdoodle in forever, and these totally hit the spot.
So everything is gone now. :( Boo~ I seriously hope many people were able to taste Kia's food because they were all equally scrumptious, comforting (they reminded me of being back in the US), and they were were obviously filled with love and compassion. No omni would notice the missing animal products! So good job, Kia~ I hope it was a big success!
Oh, and I told Kia that I want to participate in their next bake sale, so perhaps next time, I'll be on the other side of the table. Remember my very first bake sale experience last year? :)