This is why my mom is awesome.
Dat's right. Vegan kimchi. Made especially for me, by my mother's loving hands. Can your mom make vegan kimchi?! Booyaa~ didn't think so. Yea, my mom rocks.
Giving up kimchi has been harder for me than giving up cheese, and believe me, I love(d) cheese, so think of how much more I love kimchi. I will admit that sometimes I can't help myself but have a bite of regular kimchi while eating out at a Korean restaurant. But it doesn't make me feel good knowing that I ate fish juice. Bleh! I really need to learn how to make my own. Kimchi-making is a very attractive skill for a girl to have, no? haa. And a chick who knows how to make vegan kimchi? Well, that's just hot, not to mention badass. I made kimchi with my mom once before, but that was a very long time ago, so I think it's about time to freshen up on my skillz. Maybe I'll master all the different kimchi recipes and write a book called 'Vegan Kimchi Takes Over the World.' Sounds like a bestseller to me.