This weekend literally flew by! I spent a ton of time working on my upcoming art show, as well as some other side projects that I got going on... I was beginning to feel a bit like a hermit with no social life, but thank goodness for the Seoul Veggie Club, which organized a potluck brunch yesterday, hosted by Jonna. It was just what I needed to unwind after a busy week and it made me really happy just to regroup with some good friends, as well as meet some cool new peeps.

The the weather was spot-on and the view from Jonna's rooftop made me wish I had access to my rooftop! The turnout of people for the potluck was also impressive and everyone brought something delicious to the table. I love potlucks.

Yunseo's japchae & Jonna's pancakes.

My contribution was these loaves of vegan zucchini-walnut-chocolate chip bread (from 'The Joy of Vegan Baking'), covered in gooseberry jam. I think everyone liked? :)

Kia's awesome cookies, to satisfy everyone's inner cookie monster.

I didn't get to meet everyone who made these dishes, so I can't give them due credit. From top left: sweet potatoes, a scrambled egg dish, lentil stew, a raw cabbage slaw/salad, and a variety of vegan baked goodies. I tasted everything except the egg dish in the middle- delish!

So fresh!

I don't know how these sweet potatoes were cooked, but they were good.

Raphaelle made these tomato scones, from the 'Vegan Brunch' book, and they were fantastic! Loved the bits of rosemary in it. I've been eyeing that recipe for a while, and now I know I gotta try it for myself.

Here's my first plate. That wrap on the side was made by Kia & Sean, and it was tasty, light, and healthy.

Mmm~ Don't worry, I didn't impale myself on the toothpick. :P

Plate #2! Pancake topped with a savory-ish tofu "cream cheese", some strawberry puree, and blueberries!! Blueberries are so precious here, it was a real treat. Oh, and mustn't forget all the glorious fruit that was there.

Some final munchies: roasted peanuts and sticky almond bars.
It had been a seriously long time since I last joined a Seoul Veggie Club event, and I was happy I went! It was such a good idea and I think everyone had a great time.