We interrupt this food blog to talk about art! I'm not sure if anyone has noticed, but lately, I've been a little distracted from this blog because,well,... *drumroll*... I have an art show coming up!!

Yay!! In two weeks, I will have several drawings and paintings up at my favorite neighborhood spot, Harunohee Cafe. Even though the space is really small and it's not a real gallery, I'm still excited cuz this will be my very first solo "show." It's been so long since I got back to painting, and I'm just thrilled to have this opportunity to share my work with the public.
So that said, I would like to invite everyone to come check my stuff out in November. The opening reception will be on Nov 5th, around 6pm~ 11pm. The cafe is reeeaaaally tiny, so there will likely be a lot of standing and spillage of people onto the sidewalk, but the more the merrier, right? And even if you can't make it to the opening night, you can always visit the coffee shop on another day and enjoy the show, along with a cuppa joe and a vegan banana muffin. :)
Here's a sneak preview of a few of the pieces that will be on display.

Directions to Cafe Harunohee:
Gunja Station, Line 5&7, Exit 6. Walk straight for about 5-7 minutes. The cafe will be on your left.
Children's Grand Park Station, Line 7, Exit 1. Walk straight for about 5-7 minutes. The cafe will be on your right. Google map.
Address: 서울시 광진구 능동 283-17
Tel: 02-453-0508
Hours: 11am-11pm