Remember my '101 Things in 2010' list? Well, I'm happy to say that I completed all except for 10 goals! That's an improvement from the 2009 list, where I missed a total of 25. Phew! I did pretty well, right? (Click here to see the final results.) I think one of the little extra motivating factors was that #84 on the list was to "Donate $5 to charity for each item on this list that I do not complete." Haha. I wouldn't consider supporting an NGO with my moolah as a 'punishment,' but I also couldn't exactly afford to donate $505 either, which is what I would've had to do if I didn't accomplish anything , so that kind of pushed me to complete as many as I could. And I'm happy to say that I just made my $50 donation to The Humane Society, so yay! Maybe you would also like to make a donation? :)
Well, now that it's 2011, it's time to create a brand new list of goals and resolutions! Actually, after much thought, I've decided to shorten the time span to 6 months. The reason for this is that 1 year is just really long... Goals and priorities change over the course of a year, and I don't want to feel pressure to do something I no longer want or need to do. Therefore, hopefully this will help eliminate that problem and just make things more manageable.
So without further ado, here's my list for the 1st half of 2011!

{ Health }
1. Take daily vitamins (6 /10 misses)
2. Make a green smoothie every week (1/5 misses)3. Get a physical checkup4. Go to the dentist
5. Avoid soy for a week
6. Avoid gluten for a week
7. Avoid refined sugar for a week
8. Run an official 10k race
9. Take a yoga class
10. Work out at least 3 times a week (0/5 misses)
11. Do strength training every week (1 /5 misses)
12. Get a mani/pedi
13. Personal daily goal #1 (0 misses)
14. Personal daily goal #2 (5/5 misses)
{ Mental, Spiritual, Emotional }15. No TV shows for a month
16. Rearrange my room17. Write a list of 100 things that make me happy18. Church membership class (2 /2)
19. Personal weekly goal (1/3 misses)
{ Connect }
20. Write 10 snail mail letters (4 /10)21. Send a care package
22. Reconnect with a childhood friend
23. Write to someone I admire
24. Give someone flowers
25. Personal goal (1 /3)
{ Exploration, Experience & Education }
26. Try a new activity
27. Only support independent coffee shops (0/5 misses)28. Listen to live music
29. Go to an animal cafe
30. Attend a theater/play/ballet
31. Move to a new apartment
32. Crochet something
33-35. Go to 3 new (to me) parks
36-40. Watch 5 black & white films
- 'Some Like It Hot' (1959)
- A Philadelphia Story41-45. Watch 5 non-English films
- The Diving Bell & the Butterfly (French)
- Romantic Island (Korean)
- Broken Embraces (Spanish)
- Doggy poo (Korean)
- After the Wedding (Danish)46-50. Watch 5 documentaries (5 /5)
- Tyson
- Food Matters
- Objectified
- Killer at Large
- Freakonomics51-55. Read 5 books (5 /5)
{ Vegan Cookin' }56. Participate in a bake sale57. Grow & eat my own veggies58-66. Try 10 cookbook recipes (10 /10)
- Banana Everything Cookies (VCIYCJ)
- Mocha Mamas (VCIYCJ)
- Carrot Raisin Spice Cookies (VCIYCJ)
- Classic black bean chili (AFR)
- Lemon Pound Cake (V-con)
- Oatmeal Cookies (C&B)
- Lemon Poppy Seed Chiffon Cake (C'n'B)
- Oat Maple Pecan Cookies (채식배이킹)
- Fig Thumbprint Cookies (채식배이킹)
- Salted Black Cookies (C'n'B)
- Gingerbread Biscotti (VCIYCJ)
67-71. Try 10 online recipes (7 /10)
- Coconut Macaroons
- Healthy Cranberry Banana Oat Bars
- Pumpkin Biscotti
- Vanilla Wafer Cookies
- Cashew Cream
- Dreena's Homestyle Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Yogi Trail Mix bars
72-76. Learn 5 new international dishes (2 /5)
- Thai Red Curry
- Vietnamese Pho
77-82. Veganize 5 Korean dishes (2 /5)
- Vegan Tteokguk
- Vegan Biji Jjigae
{ Pay it Forward }
83. Feed a hungry person84. Donate old stuff85. Do a random act of kindness
86. Donate $5 to charity for every item I don't complete
{ Art & Projects }
87. Take a class
88. Complete 10 new paintings (0/10)
89. Sell a painting
90. Make postcards/stationery
91. Make business cards92. Make stickers93. Be in an art show
{ For Mother Nature }94. Buy only organic foods for a month
95. Only use reusable bags for shopping (0/5 misses)
96. Don’t use any paper cups (2 /5 misses)97. Eat local for a month
{ Blog-Improvement }98. Make an 'About Me' page99. Make a list of useful links
100. Make a FAQ page
{ Misc }
101. Buy something on my wishlist
Let the fun begin~ Wish me luck! :)