Yesterday's lunch was truly a beautiful thing. I made a 2-bean chili based on the 'Classic Black Bean & Veggie Chili' recipe from Isa's newest cookbook, 'Appetite for Reduction.' I bought it while I was in Cali, not because I wanna lose any weight, but just cuz I'm a huge fan of Isa and all her books. The only one I don't own is her very first, 'Vegan with a Vengeance.' Anyway, I had almost all the ingredients for the chili on hand, and I also just happened to have that "corn scone" that I bought at Veggie Holic the other day, so I thought chili would be the way to go. I also added some black-eyed peas to the mix, for a little bean-diversity.

The chili was... perfect. Warm, substantial, nutrient-packed, filling, wholesome, savory with a little bit of spicy heat... what more could you ask for? The only ingredients that I didn't have on me were the zucchini, cilantro, and lime, but it still came out a-okay!

The 'corn scone' from Veggie Holic was also divine. I pretended it was cornbread, although texture-wise, it was more like very dense, slightly chewy pound cake. This was stick-to-your-ribs (and hips, and waist) good. :) I can't wait to get some cornmeal and make my own proper cornbread!

The pieces of whole corn kernals added some fun 'popping' texture and bite.

Although making chili is generally fool-proof, I'm still proud of myself for putting together such a comforting, healthy, and totally delicious lunch (with the help of Isa & Veggie Holic, ofcourse). I haven't cooked myself a proper meal in a long time... Me so happy! Oh, and the chili tasted even better for dinner. ^^