Continuing on with my visit to Cheonan this week, here is some more yumminess that went down... down into mah belly. Even though it was her birthday, my mom insisted on feeding me a yummy home-cooked lunch when I arrived:

Food always tastes better when it's been made with love by your umma. :)

You see this salad here? It is entirely made up of veggies and sprouts that my mom grew herself! Amaaazing.

My parents' veranda has been completely transformed into an organic farm. It's quite hilarious to see how my mom has recycled all these found plastic bottles and containers to start her 'nursery.'

Plucking some baby lettuces for our salad. This is as fresh as it gets.

Some of the baby greens get moved into bigger containers where they continue to grow and provide my parents with non-stop salad greens.

Here are some organic strawberries that my mom ordered from the Han Salim (organic co-op) website. Wow, let me tell you, these strawberries were incredible. Super sweet, firm yet juicy texture... divine.

More strawberries for breakfast, along with apples, oranges, and kiwi.

Steamed peanuts

More yummy banch'

Lettuce wraps

Check out this huge bouquet of flowers my dad gave to my mom for her birthday! Beautiful, no? <3
Oh, and watch this really gorgeous video about Korea! It reminds me of a Sigur Ros music vid, and i can't stop replaying it. :) There are days when I wish I could escape life here, but videos like this remind me of all the great things of this country. Have a great Sunday night!
Do You Know South Korea? from David Dutton on Vimeo.