If you recall, my very first blog post was about my mom's birthday and how we baked a pineapple upside down cake for the occasion. I was deep into my baking obsession back then, so we went all-out with a sugary, Western-style dessert. This year, we went the opposite route: colorful ddeok cake! It's fat free with less sugar than the typical birthday cake~ And still yummyyy!

For the colorful layers, we went with natural powders instead of neon food coloring. Here are three colors: squash powder (yellow), pomegranate powder (red), and mulberry leaf powder (green). And for the 'brown' we used cocao powder.

Here's the package of rice powder we used, specifically for ddeok cakes.

Pretty colors!

The cake ready to go into the steamer.

Whee!! It looks good, no? Too bad the pink color is rather weak.

The recipe was too much for one cake mold, so we ended up making a second smaller one. We got a little more creative with the nuts on this one...

Happy Birthday to Umma~~
Please refer to Maangchi's recipe for Rainbow Ddeok Cake for the recipe!