As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I ran my first official 10k yesterday at the 'Marathon for Cancer Kids' charity race. I was nervous for the race because I haven't done much running lately... Between getting my wisdom tooth pulled, and surviving on a diet of cookies and chocolate while baking for the fundraiser last week, I felt really unfit and unprepared for the race. However, thankfully my body is more resilient than I thought! Before the race, I told myself that I would be happy to come in under 70 minutes, but I came in at 53:25 !! My first 10k PR, under an hour! And out of the 295 ladies, I placed lucky number 13!!! I definitely surprised myself. I know it's nothing compared to many of you speed demons, but for me, it's a pretty big deal. I definitely pushed myself to go as fast as I could, and as SaeHee and Kyle can testify, I was pretty exhausted and grossly sweaty when they greeted me at the finish line, but I also felt so strong and alive! I'm super proud of my shawty legs.

SaeHee from the VeganBeats blog also ran her first 5k and did awesome! I was also happy to finally meet some peeps from the Seoul Flyers running club. I plan on officially joining this club soon, and hopefully running with them on Saturday mornings. :) I think running with other people will keep me motivated to push myself and improve my speed and distance. So, now that I've done this 10k, does that mean the half marathon is next? Eeep!