Wednesday's breakfast in Cheonan was very special because my mom had bought cherries! It's been ages since I last had them because they're just so darn expensive here. When I lived in Cali, I think I spoiled myself on cheap cherries because now I can't seem to bring myself to shell out over 5,000 won for a teeny tiny package of maybe 10 cherries (ri-DONK-cu-lous). So I was thrilled to find that my mom had splurged and bought some for a special treat.

Melons, kiwi, bananas, peaches, and cherries!

And ofcourse, I had a bowl of oatmeal, with a cherry on top.

In addition to the usual toppings of ground flax seed, blackstrap molasses, and pnut butter, I also sprinkled on some pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and puffed rice for fun.