I think I'm going to start running in the mornings now, cuz today I had one of my best 10k runs ever. Not necessarily in terms of time, but just in terms of energy and 'getting in the groove.' There are days when sometimes even going 5k is a mental or physical challenge, but for some reason, today was different. Perhaps it was the oatmeal goodness in my belly, the cooler temps, or just the fact that it was Friday morning, but I was feelin' geeuuud. My legs felt strong, my arms were pumping, and my head was clear and breezy~ I was definitely diggin' it. Not even the dark monsoon clouds could break my stride! Another plus to morning running is that my evenings are now freed up for other shenanigans. :)

For lunch today I had a ginormous mountain of a salad, with one lone pickle, and three pieces of unsuccessful whole wheat pita bread. I was hoping to get 'pita pockets', but I rolled them out too thin and also over-baked them til they were rather hard and crunchy. Fail! But I ate them anyway, and they still tasted fine. For the dressing, I used the 'Creamy Dwenjang Ranchy Dip', except that I added more vinegar to make it thinner, more like a dressing. Deee-licious and satisfying.

Mm, salad!
As I type, my big sis is on the plane, flying from Cali to Korea! She returned to the States for grad school about 1.5 years ago, and is now visiting over her summer break. The last time I saw my sis was when I went to Cali for vacation a year ago, which I think is actually the longest time we've been apart (although we video-skype all the time, hehe). My parents are coming up to Seoul tomorrow and the whole familia will be reunited once again. Check out the 'Welcome Back Unnie ' sign I wrote on my bathroom mirror. :) Am I the best dongseng or what?

Now you know what my bathroom looks like... TMI?