If anyone was wondering, my move on Saturday went really well~ The moving men we hired were super efficient and as strong as horses! My jaw dropped in amazement when I saw one ajusshi carry my heavy washing machine on his back, all by himself. Anyhoo~ so for now I'm at my folks' place in Cheonan, which is where I will be for the next 1.5 months until I move into my next apartment in Seoul. It's good but weird at the same time. In some ways, I feel like I'm back in high school, but I'm also grateful for this time to be back home. I also feel that this is a good opportunity for me to get some perspective and distance from things in Seoul, but I do plan on making a few trips up to Seoul whenever I get bored here in the boonies.
Well, before my move, some friends and I got together for dinner at Buddha's Belly in Itaewon. The first time I ate there, I got tried their veganized pad thai and green curry, both really delicious. This time, I was craving red curry, which always reminds me of my time living in Huntington Beach, CA when my sister and I would go to this one specific thai restaurant for their insanely good red curry. drooool...

Here's my Thai Red Curry with a bowl of white rice on the side (12,000 won). I could've added tofu for 1,000 won extra, but decided to stick to a plain veggie curry, which included zucchini, carrots, scallion, baby corn, bamboo shoots, broccoli, and even kabocha squash. And ofcourse, the creamy coconut milk made the dish. The curry was a little thinner than most thai red curries I've had, but the flavor was still there, and it tasted pretty darn good.

interior & people
- How To Get There: To get there, take subway line 6 to Itaewon Stn. Go out Exit 1 and walk straight. Turn right, into the first alleyway and go up the hill. If you go to the end of the alley, Buddha’s Belly will be just on your left, on the second floor. 2-minute walk from the station exit.
- Contact Info: Tel: 02-796-9330
- E-mail: buddhasbelly@korea.com