It's pretty amazing how versatile tortilla wraps are! Last week I bought a package of large tortillas at the Foreign Food Mart in Itaewon, and ever since, I have been eating them non stop. I also love how they go with pretty much anything and everything, they're so easy to use, not pretentious at all, and they just invite all kinds of experimentation and flavor-mixing.

First, the most obvious thing to do with tortillas is to make burritos! For my filling, I just used whatever I had on hand: some black beans, one sweet potato, onions, mushrooms, corn, fresh cilantro, and other dried herbs. I also had some vegan mayo and hot sauce, so I added that to hold things together. It was super simple but it made a great lunch.

Next up, no queso quesadillas! After going vegan, I was pretty depressed to think that I wouldn't be able to eat quesadillas anymore... that is, until I saw the recipe for Sweet Potato Quesadillas in 'Veganomicon'! Ingenious. Who says a quesadilla needs cheese anyway? hehe. Just call it 'dilla, and you're good. So, using Isa's recipe as a basic reference, I made some yummy 'dillas with a mix of veggies.

This one has sweet potato, regular potato, red bell peppers, onions, celery, and dried herbs.

And this one has black beans, sweet potato, corn, sauteed onions, celery, and cilantro. Some corn is falling out because I didn't put enough sweet potato in it to hold everything together.

Last, I made a pizza using the tortilla as the crust! This is the world's easiest pizza because not only is the crust ready-made, but I also just used ketchup for the base sauce because I didn't have any tomato paste- fancy , I know. Then I just topped it with whatever veggies I had: bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, celery, and sprinkled some salt, pepper, dried oregano, basil, and chopped fresh cilantro. Oh yea, and I also sprinkled some nutritional yeast on top, for a slight 'cheezy' flavor. I drizzled a tiny bit of olive oil over it all, then popped it in my oven for about 8 minutes. I don't think I'll be making pizza crust from scratch anymore (not that I make it often anyway). Tortilla crusts are just too easy, and healthier too, since it's so thin.