Mmmm, chickpea salad!
I love chickpeas- they're definitely my favorite bean. When I'm lazy, I just eat them whole, as a snack, with some salt, pepper, & paprika sprinkled over the top, but when I want to go all out, I make this chickpea salad that is a vegan take on 'tuna salad'. I think I've blogged about this before, but I love it so much, it's worth talking about again.

{ Ingredients }
1 can of chick peas, rinsed and drained
about 2 tbs vegan mayo (amount depends on the texture you want)
1/2 cup diced celery (you can reduce this amount if you want less crunch. I like mine with a lot of celery though!)
1/4 cup diced onion (you might have killer breath after, but it's allll worth it)
1/4 cup diced pickles
1 tsp garlic powder
1 sheet of nori seaweed, cut up into small pieces
sea salt & black pepper to taste
sesame seeds (optional)
{ Method }
1. Mash chick peas with a fork. Lumps are okay since they add texture.
2. Add all other ingredients, and mix well. You can add more or less mayo depending on how you like your salad to be.
3. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

The seaweed flakes bring the tuna/seafood flavor to it, so you won't miss the dead fish at all! Here, I ate it with a big green salad, but I especially love using it to make grilled sandwiches. Di-vine!!
You can find canned chickpeas at most department stores, but they're pretty expensive. I just buy them dried, and in bulk, from the Foreign Food Mart in Itaewon.