Have I ever mentioned that I love fruit? hehe. I kind of have an obsession with hording fruit of all kinds. That and also baking supplies... but that's a whole other story. Even if I already have plenty of fruit sitting in my kitchen, I always feel the need to buy more. It's a bad habit because sometimes I buy more than I can actually eat. Hm, am I starting to sound like a crazy fruit-lady? TMI?

Anyway, so lately my choice of fruits has been pineapples, grapefruit, kiwi, and honeydew melons. I usually just eat them by themselves, but I recently saw a video podcast from 'Delicious TV - Totally Vegetarian,' where Toni Fiore, the host, made a Summer Fruit Salad using fresh herbs and lime juice. So I thought I'd give it a go! Hers had strawberries and also fresh mint, but I made mine without. It was still pretty fantastical. In particular, the cilantro added a great tropical twist to the boring fruit salad that I'm used to.

{ Ingredients }
1 pineapple
1 honeydew melon
1 kiwi (I only had one on hand, but feel free to use more!)
1 grapefruit
1 orange
1 lime
2 tbs chopped fresh cilantro
{ Method }
1. Chop up all the fruit, except for the lime, into bite-size pieces. Place in a big mixing bowl.
2. Squeeze the juice of one lime all over the fruit.
3. Add the chopped cilantro. Mix everything well.
4. Eat up!

If you're wondering where I found limes in Korea, I got it at the Foreign Food Mart in Itaewon. It's kinda pricey (4,500 won for 3 limes), but soooo worth it.

Eat your fruits, people!