Even though I absolutely love Indian cuisine, I don't eat as much of it as I wish I did. I think it's my favorite International cuisine- second to Korean food, ofcourse.

Last week, I was craving some curry and decided to make my all-time fave Indian dish: palak paneer tofu. I have verrrry limited experience cooking Indian food, which is shameful considering how much I love it. Anyway, I used this recipe from the Yasmeen's 'Health Nut' blog, which is the same recipe I used for my first palak tofu attempt (blimey, that was a whole year and a half ago!). It came out fantastic last time, so I figured I'd go with the same recipe- why mess with something that works? In fact, I think it even came out even better this time because I actually have a real blender now, which got the spinach way smoother than the immersion hand-held blender that I used last time.

The only modifications I made to the recipe were that I didn't have any coriander powder, green chillies or cilantro for garnish. I also pan-fried the tofu cubes before adding them to the curry. I think it gave them more of a chewy texture that I like. This totally satisfied my palak curry craving, and then some! The tofu stands in wonderfully for the paneer, and all the spices come together for some serious curry flava~!

This would've been perrrfect on some naan bread, but I had to make-do with a toasted tortilla wrap (I'm still slooowly making my way through that batch I got from Costco...). Yea, I mixed some Mexican with Indian, but my tastebuds couldn't care less cuz it still tasted fantastic. All in all, this made for a drool-worthy lunch! And the best part was having leftovers for several meals after. It tasted even better the next day, reheated, or even just eaten straight out of the container... not that I would ever do that... *ahem* :)