Oh My Goodness. My art show opening reception on Friday night was so much fun. I seriously couldn't have asked for a better reception. The teeny tiny Cafe Harunohee was graced with the presence of some my favorite friends & coworkers, their own friends, and also as a number of newer veggie/art friends I've gotten to know through this blog. Here are just a few people-pictures from the night. I hope they don't mind having their faces posted here! :)
Beautiful people.
![art show reception](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1231/5151188137_9b349ebb81.jpg)
More beautiful people.
![art show reception](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4103/5151795360_59a0fbf475.jpg)
![art show reception](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1080/5151796282_22ab5b278c.jpg)
The lovely duo behind the counter~
That's me in the white top.
I was super thrilled with the turnout- and also thrilled to see a few 'red dots' go up on some of the art pieces! :) AHhH~!
Here are some art photos. Please excuse all the different lighting- I got these pictures using various cameras, at different times of the day. :)
![art show reception](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4007/5149852785_8f402ab3b7.jpg)
![art show reception](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4057/5149853045_a4ec7556ab.jpg)
![art show reception](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4018/5149852727_73b20a760d.jpg)
![art show reception](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4062/5151186227_134d83b6ce.jpg)
And now onto food:
Every one had a great time, sippin' on drinks like this soy sweet-potato latte, and eating vegan baked goodies.
Before the reception started, I was busy in my apartment baking up some miniature-sized Mexican Hot Chocolate Snickerdoodles for 'service' for guests and customers. I should've gotten a photo of the entire batch, but here's one lone cookie. :)
I love the little spicy kick you get from the cayenne pepper in these cookies. Everyone said they liked 'em! I also baked vegan banana muffins for people to buy, which sold out by the end of the night. :)
![art show reception](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4108/5151184381_0098727124.jpg)
Vegan friends Kia & Sean came to the show bearing gifts: homemade pumpkin brownies! Gorgeous~
![art show reception](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1375/5151793264_22df19256f.jpg)
These were rich and decadent, and totally awesome. Kia is one talented vegan baker, who regularly participates in ARK bake sales, and is building up quite a fan-base with all her sweet goodies. I think it's only a matter of time before she starts her own baking business! Eunpah, another vegan blogging friend, also brought me a bag of delicious bread from Tartine bakery, But I'm gonna blog about in a separate post. :)
![art show reception](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1188/5151798850_d515be8364.jpg)
In addition to art, coffee, and vegan dessert, there was also some Jenga action!
Phew~~ So that pretty much covers the highlights of our humble little art show reception. I was truly touched by the amount of support and love I got from everyone present, and I just feel so grateful. I thank everyone who came out for making the night such a success! You guys rock my world. And to those of you who couldn't make it, there's still plenty of time to check it out~ The artwork will be up til the end of November. :)
Thank you!