It was late last night and I was feeling antsy, but didn't want to go to bed, so I proceeded to make bread. There's really something so therapeutic about mixing, kneading, and then seeing the dough rise and expand. I would really love to bake more bread this year. I just love the process and that fresh baked bread aroma that fills the apartment. I pretend that I'm some rustic bread baker in the countryside as I throw flour around and get my hands sticky with dough. Most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing or how the loaf is going to turn out, but I just go with it and hope for the best. No two loaves come out exactly alike, for me anyway, but even when it doesn't come out quite right, I still feel proud for trying.

Here's my latest bread attempt. I used this recipe for reference, but changed it slightly. I made mine with a mix of Korean-grown whole wheat flour and some Rob's Red Mill stone ground whole wheat flour. I also added whole flax seeds and chopped walnuts for some crunch, and dried cranberries for a little sweetness. Oh, and I used molasses instead of honey.

So round and plump, I just want to swaddle it in a blanket like a baby.

I probably could've baked it a little longer, because the inside was ever so slightly on the moist side, but it still came out pretty good. Dense, chewy, and robust.

Chewy slices with a shmear of homemade pumpkin butter.

Yay, this should last me a few breakfasts. Also, I'm sooo glad I added the cranberries and walnuts. They're a stellar combo.