After lunch at Petra the other day, Sylvia and I headed to 'Wing Bakery & Cafe.' Ever since this place opened up a few months ago, I've been itching to check it out. Well, let's just say, I think I may have found my new carb heaven.

The bakery is really small and there are only a few high chairs alongside a shelf-table on the side of the wall. There's not much space for standing, let alone sitting, but I really love the intimate, homey vibe. Oh, and I simply adore the simple, store-front design & signage.

The lady working the counter was also super nice and helpful. I asked what breads were vegan and she then explained that none of the bread loaves and buns include egg, butter, milk, or even sugar! The only ones that are not vegan are the 'fancified' breads, like the pizza-toasts that include melted cheese. But those are easy to spot and avoid. The cookies and pies are also not vegan, but really, you'll be too busy wiping your drool from all the breads to even notice those side items.

Everything you see in this pic is animal-free, just like all good, real, rustic bread should be.

I bought a half loaf of the Organic Rye bread (4,300 won).

I couldn't wait to have it for breakfast the next morning with some pb & bananas, and date jam.

It sliced up beautifully and the texture was perrrfect. The crust was slightly chewy/thick and the inside was soft, yet substantial. I only wish they had put more raisins and walnuts in it. Infact, I couldn't really find any walnuts. But the bread itself was amazingly good!

As you can see, I finally opened the date jam that I got from Janice in LA. I've never had date jam before and this was really wonderful. It wasn't too sweet (no added sugar) and I loved the thick, lumpy, yet spreadable texture. Having date jam is such a luxury, I want to preserve it as long as I can. Thanks again, Janice!
Now anytime I'm in Noksa, I know I'm gonna be stopping by this bakery for coffee and bread.
Directions to Wing Bakery: Noksapyeong Station, Line 6. Come out Exit 2 and walk straight for about 5 minutes. You will see Wing Bakery across the main street. Take the underground pass to cross the street and Wing Bakery will be right there as you come up the stairs.