One of the first things I did when I got my hands on the Korean Olssu soy milk powder, was that I made vegan white chocolate! :) I've been wanting to try this for so long~

I got this package of 100% cocoa butter "chips" from the Bangsan baking market, but you can also find it on internet baking sites such as this one.
For the chocolate recipe, I used this one from veganbaking.net. The recipe suggests using "superfine sugar" rather than powdered sugar because the cornstarch can give the chocolate a slight grainy feel. I used regular powdered stuff so my chocolate wasn't totally smoooooth, but it also could've been due to the soy milk powder. Perhaps next time I'll try it with castor sugar.

Here's the mixture of melted cocoa butter, sugar, soy milk powder, salt, and vanilla extract.

I didn't have a proper mold to make a chocolate bar, so I used these mini paper cups which worked out perfectly. They look like white chocolate Reeses Pieces! Gonna add peanut butter to the centers next time, but for these I just added walnuts, raisins, and shredded coconut to prettify them. That way, they're not just hunks of plain white chocolate.

After about 30 minutes in the fridge, they were firm enough to photograph and sample. :) However, I probably should've waited longer because after a while of being out at room temperature, they got a bit soft again... but they still had all the flavors of white chocolate and I was happy with my first chocolate-making attempt. I definitely got a sugar rush after eating these. Yay!